新疆中国旅行社有限公司 官方网http://www.xj5678.com 新疆中国旅行社有限公司于1979年3月成立。迄今已有30余载的光辉历程。为了适应新时期激烈的市场竞争,实现企业创新发展、规模发展、和谐发展,新疆中国旅行社有限公司于2011年3月成功完成重组工作,并以其强大的专业实力,踏实的做事风格,良好的外部信誉,创造了新疆旅行社行业的多个第一,赢得了社会各界高度赞誉。 公司拥有强大的服务网络资源,具备集团化、网络化的企业经营管理机制。力争要做对社会有责任的企业,公司新一届领导层本着“诚信、协作、专业、创新、尽责”的价值观,以满足客户需求为己任,以诚信经营为准则,以高品质的人性化服务为追求,为客户提供安全、准时、舒适、周到、热情的全方位专业服务。企业的服务项目:疆内旅游、国内旅游、出境旅游、入境旅游、特种探险、会展奖励、电子商务、文化传播、证照签证、留学移民、全球自由行及专属预订等。 回顾企业过去的发展历程,我们倍感自豪!面对企业现在的经营业绩,我们满怀感恩!展望企业未来的发展道路,我们信心百倍。我们坚信在大家一如既往的信任和支持下,我们能够成为新疆旅游行业第一品牌! Xinjiang, China Travel Service Co., Ltd. was established in March 1979. There were more than 30years developing in this company. In order to face the new fierce market competition. Innovation and development in order to achieve the intentthis company .we completed the restructuring in March 2011 successfully. And perform the professional strength of its powerful, practical style of achieve target. Creating the best reputation oftravel industry in Xinjiang province. Also make the honor in all over the place. We have a strong network of resources, with group-oriented, network-based on business management system.we also Willing to take the social responsibilities ,the new leaders in our company aim for "honesty, cooperation, professionalism, innovation, responsibility". And satisfy all kinds of customers needs, follow the rule of "doing business in faith "also crate a high-quality agent services for customers .with safety, punctual, comfortable, thoughtful, passion in all services. We provide following services: all kinds of tourism in xinjiang province , tour package in china , overseastourism, special adventure, MICE, e-commerce, cultural transmission, visas applications, immigrant service,. Study in overseas ,self-tour with exclusive service.and more! Review the development process of companies in the past, we feel so proud! When we check the operating results of companies , we feel full of gratitude! Over view company'sdevelopment in further, we feel confident. We firmly believe that we willtrust and support this company continuously. we can become the best tourism brand in xinjiang!