咸阳国际旅行社有限公司,是国家旅游局批准成立的国际社,在咸阳成立时间早,规模大,实力强,是咸阳合法出境组团社,可接待世界各国来华旅游者,组织中国公民国内游和出境游。注册资本200万元人民币,已交纳旅游质量保证金160万元人民币,投保旅行社责任保险400万元人民币。作为中国旅行社协会会员单位,与国际、国内各旅游企业有着良好的合作关系,可办理国际商务会议服务,为行政、企事业单位和个人提供境内外公务考察、商务旅行、奖励旅行、分时度假、组织举办会议,参加会展及留学、劳务咨询等,提供代办各种国际旅行证件、签证和国际、国内飞机票、火车票及订房订餐等单项服务。我社拥有训练有素,经验丰富的管理和市场销售人员,英、日、法、韩、德等语种及普通话持证导游人员和出国游职业领队。 联系地址:陕西省礼泉兴华街西段(县委十字向西100米路北) 联系人:刘鹏杰 电话:029-35620006 35620020 15229606006 18292935998 传真:029-35620006 Xianyang international Travel Service Co,Led(XITS), approved by National Tourism Administration, is the only one to have rights to organize tourism groups travel abroad. It is the first one founded in Xianyang and is the biggest and most powerful international travel service co,Itd in Xianyang. The service co,Ttd can receive tourists from both at home and abroad in China and organize Chinese people to travel both in China and outside China as well. The registered capital is 2 million Yuan and handed in 1.6 million Yuan for tourism guarantee found and paid 4 million Yuan for traver service co, Itd insurance. As a member of China Traver Service Co, Ltd Association, we have established good cooperation relations with domestic tourism enterprises and foreign tourism enterprises, We can provide good services co, Itd for holding international conference, business trip, personal travel, exhibition, all kinds seminars overseas study and labor consultancy, visas, booking domestic and international air tickets, train tickets, hotel and dinners, our Service Co, Ltd has experienced managing personnel and staff members, we have tour guiders of English, Japanese, French, Korean and German.