十二载春华秋实,十二载精品纷呈!哈尔滨中旅世纪旅行社有限公司秉持“优质服务,顾客至上”的服务理念,凭借过硬的服务团队和服务质量,在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,成为品质旅游的倡导者。现在已成为中国旅游协会、哈尔滨旅游协会的会员单位。2010年上半年,我社以旅客零投诉率再获哈尔滨市旅游局的好评。 成绩源自不变的信念--我们只做我们专业的旅游产品。我们的旅游产品设计研发的原则是:为顾客设计其真正需要的高性价比旅游产品。不照搬,不盲从,一步一个脚印,完善独具特色的旅游产品体系。从国内组团旅游到地接旅游,从会议考察接待到入境旅游,每一条线路都是从旅客的需求出发,不断润色优化而来的。而支撑这一条条精品线路的则是经过市场选择确认的优质旅游市场网络。我社与国内外的优秀旅行社(区域同业前三甲)、饭店,交通企业有着长期良好的业务合作关系,优质的服务网络架起一座座金桥,为顾客奉上舒适温馨之旅。目前,我社的旅游产品范围已涵盖:国内旅游、入境旅游、哈尔滨冰雪旅游、亚布力滑雪,疗养旅游、探险旅游、主题旅游、会议商务旅游、专项考察旅游等多品种的旅游服务项目! 信心源自专业的操作团队。我社下辖地接部,组团部,入境部,会议奖励部,网络部,计调部等六个部门,每个部门都由精通旅游业务人员组成。专业化的操作、人性化的服务,规范化的质量控制将每条线路都赋予了顺畅舒心的内涵。在旅途中,您不再会回安全担心,因为我们的车辆都是经过招标采购的合法车辆。您不再会为客房冷暖劳神,因为您的客房都是符合国家标准的房间。您不再会为长途旅程困惑,我们的导游将用来自内心的话语将文化之美送达您的心田。 “身在异乡为异客,每逢佳节备思亲”这句千古流传的名句在中旅世纪的旅程中或许可变为“身在他乡心愈暖,客在旅程爱更浓”。 选择中旅世纪,就是选择了舒心之旅。我们期待您的信任,我们将以十分的努力,百分的细致,万分的热情为您打造值得回味的一段旅程,续写中国民族旅游业的传奇与佳话。 Introdution of Harbin China Century Travel Service After 12 years of hard working, Harbin China Century Travel Service (CCTS) has had a solid footing in Chinese tourism industry. Sticking to the service concept of providing excellent service and deeming customer as god, CCTS has become the prompter of high quality tour. Now, she is legal member of Harbin Tourism Union and China Tourism Union respectively. In 2010, CCTS was acclaimed by Harbin Travel Bureau for its zero complaint rates. Achievements come form unyielding beliefs: We only dig into the field we are good at. The principle of our tour package design is to only design high value trips which are really needed for patrons. From out-bound tour package to in-bound tour package. From meeting service to customized tour products, we never follow the footprints of others and focus only on the products of our own. Every tour package is a result after continuously touching up during the practice and is supported by excellent trustworthy tour agency network; CCTS has good cooperative relation with famous travel service, restaurant, and hotel from home and abroad. Nice service network provides a solid bridge for customers who are pursuing a trip of comfort and safe. Till now, our products lineup has extended to 9 fields, including out-bound trip, in-bound trip, Harbin Ice and snow trips, Skiing trip in Yabuli, healthy trip, adventure trip, theme trip, and business trip. Choose CCTS, embrace a unforgettably comfortable trip. We hope for your call and trust. We will do our best to present you a culture tour in China.
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