福建省神州国际旅行社有限公司简介 Company Profile of Fujian China International Travel Service Co., Ltd 福建省神州国际旅行社有限公司(简称:福建神州国旅),成立于1998年,注册资金500万元人民币,许可证号:L-FJ10003。是福建省旅游协会理事单位,福州市旅游协会常务理事单位,是福州市级“青年文明号”单位,2003年被媒体读者评为福州市“十佳旅行社”。 福建神州国旅在福州、本省乃至国内旅游业界享有较高的知名度。作为福州旅游服务行业的窗口单位,长期以来“福建神州”、“神州之美”、“神州之旅”等相关旅游品牌,以服务热情周到、旅游品质优良为广大游客提供出游服务。福建神州国旅一贯致力于开拓来入闽来榕的旅游市场,在福州地接方面(福建省内游、福州游或是福州过境旅游)有着丰富的经验和强大的能力。曾独立多次组织“千人入闽福地游”、“百车入闽自驾游”等活动。在福州有较高的知名度,有着良好的口碑。长期致力于特色线路的开发,擅长将福建省内的旅游资源进行整合包装。 Fujian China International Travel Service Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as FCITS) was established in 1998 with registered capital of RMB 5 million Yuan. Its business license number is L-FJ10003. It is a member of Fujian Travel Association, a standing member of Fuzhou Travel Association and also municipal “Youth Civilization” unit of Fuzhou. It was rated by media readers as the “Top Ten Travel Service” in 2003. FCITS has enjoyed a high reputation in Fuzhou, Fujian Province and even domestic travel industry. As the window unit of Fuzhou travel service industry,“Chinese Beautiful view” & “Chinese Travel” and related travel brands have been providing travel service for tourists with high-quality travel and warm & thoughtful service for a long time. FCITS has always devoted to expanding the inbound tourism markets in Fuzhou even Fujian Province. It has rich experiences and strong capacity in local travel reception in Fuzhou (travel within Fujian Province, travel in Fuzhou or Fuzhou transit travel). It has independently organized some activities like “Travel of One Thousand Tourists to Blessed Place-Fujian” and “Self-driving Travel of One Hundred Cars to Fujian” for many times. FCITS has enjoyed a high profile and good reputation in Fuzhou. It has devoted to developing special travel route for long time and is good at integrating the travel resources within Fujian Province. 我社宗旨:认真细致、热情周到。 The tenet of our Travel Service is to provide careful, meticulous, warm and thoughtful service. 总经理:黄京辉 13906915431 0591-87113877 General Manager: Huang Jinghui 13906915431 0591-87113877 副总经理:林咏梅 18959178822 0591-83319199 Vice General Manager: Lin Yongmei 18959178822 0591-83319199
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