“旅游百事通”是全国旅游百强企业、中国最大的综合性旅游集团之一 公司倾力打造的旅游连锁品牌。“旅游百事通”采用超大连锁超市运营模式,现已成为全国营业部数量最多,组团游客量最大的旅游企业之一。 “Traveling Bestone” is a chain brand in tourism built by Chongqing Overseas Tourist Group, which is a national top 100 travel agencies and one of the largest comprehensive travel service groups in China. Founded in Chongqing, “Traveling Bestone” is now developing nationwide under an operation mode like a large chain supermarket. Currently, it is among travel companies in China with the most sales offices and the largest tourist capacity. “旅游百事通”以“诚信经营 用心服务”为经营理念,以集团化运作为经营核心,现已植根于全国十二省市,旗下全国公司的员工总数达500余人。以超过1800家加盟营业部为基础,引进上千家专线产品供应商,萃选国内及出境数千条旅游线路产品,构建出一个庞大的连锁经营体系,第一时间为游客提供优质、舒适、精彩纷呈的旅行体验以及专业热忱的服务。 With an operation idea of “faith and care”, and a group-based operation core, “Traveling Bestone” has expanded to 12 provinces and municipalities in China, with over 500 employees in total. It has built a huge chain operation system with over 1800 franchisees, over 1000 special product suppliers and thousands of tourist lines home and abroad, so as to provide tourists with high-quality, comfortable and wonderful travel experiences, as well as dedicated services. 目标:打造三维一体旅游在线综合服务平台; 三维:3G通道、数字电视通道、宽带通道; 一体:对接三通道的电商平台; 综合服务:旅游信息查询、旅游关联服务办理、旅游产品订购、顾客关系管理、企业品牌推广和宣传等服务。