中国康辉旅游中国康辉旅行社集团有限责任公司(原中国康辉旅行社总社)创建于1984年,历经二十余年的发展,已成为全国大型旅行社集团企业之一,是北京“首旅集团”旗下专业化旅行社集团公司,总部设在北京。目前在全国32个省(市、自治区)设有108家子公司,并对其中的国际社、出境旅游组团社控股。康辉集团目前是我国全国性旅游集团中具有资产纽带和垂直管理关系的子公司数量最多的旅行社集团。日臻完善的网络化营销、接待体系和垂直管理模式在旅行社行业已形成独特的综合优势。遍及海内外的业务协作体系以及由近万名员工组成的优秀团队具备为国内外旅游者提供全方位综合服务的实力。 “康辉旅游”相继被评选为“中国旅游知名品牌”、 “中国最具品牌价值的500家企业” 及“中国驰名商标”等,品牌价值将近12亿人民币。 深圳市康辉旅行社有限公司(简称:深圳康辉旅行社)是中国康辉旅游集团成员。成立于1993年,许可证号码:L-GD-CJ00060,注册资金1000 万元人民币,员工总数达四百多人。由行政管理、网络经营管理、业务操作和25个营业部组成。经营范围覆盖国内及出入境旅游、商务会展等相关领域。是深圳旅行社行业最早的一类旅行社及国际旅行社。同时也是深圳几家获国家旅游局特许经营中国公民出国旅游的旅行社之一。深圳康辉旅行社依托中国康辉旅游集团强大的网络资源优势,与国内外同行建立了广泛的战略合作伙伴关系,秉承“诚信、规范、专业”的经营理念,依靠创新的管理手段,以及专业、务实、高效的精英团体,为广大消费者全方位的旅游服务。经过短短的十几年时间,克服了资金少、底子薄等重重困难,积极开拓境内外旅游业务,加强管理,创高效益,取得可喜的成绩,并多次获评为旅游先进单位、深圳市优秀旅行社及全国百强旅行社。在旅游业界拥有极高的知名度和美誉度。 China Comfort Travel Group (CCT) is established in 1984, After 24 year’s development, CCT has become one of the largest tourism groups in china, which has 108 subsidiaries and almost 1000 sales offices .CCT and its subsidiaries have won the awards of “The Top 100 Travel Agencies”for several times. It was given the title “AAAAA travel service ”by Beijing Tourism Administration in 2007. “Comfort Travel” has continued to ranks the “Top 500 Most Valuable Brangs in China ”with brang value of over 1.2billion RMB for three years, which is awarded by the World Brang Laboratoy. Shenzhen Comfort Travel Service Co , Ltd(CCTSZ),established in 1993, is a core member of CCT. Its license No. is L-GD-CJ00060. CCTSZ has 25 sales offices and its business networks are extended throughout all corners of Shenzhen city . The management center , sales center and operation center make up three systems of CCTSZ,which has more than 400 professional employees. Its business scope ranges domestic tours, outbound tours, convention, air ticketing and so on.As a subsidiary of CCT, CCTSZ formed a complete tourist system and network with CCT’s assets and brang ,has many high quality and rich experiences employees running tour group and putting their energy on developing make “sincerity,propriety, Professional ” as its spirits and offer the high quality service to the tourists from all over the world.“Once shake hands with comfort , we are friends forever . ”will work closely and amicably with friends in various sectors to help each other and jointly create a better future for China’s tourism industry! 一握康辉手 永远是朋友 —— 深圳康辉旅行社
- 中山 | 中山市横栏镇慧海票务中心
- 中山 | 中山市意通商务服务有限公司
- 中山 | 中山市南头镇鼎翔票务中心
- 中山 | 中山市欢畅旅游客运运输有限公司东升分公司
- 东莞 | 东莞市高?杰利票务代理服务部
- 东莞 | 东莞市长安腾辉商务部
- 东莞 | 东莞市长安星安票务部
- 东莞 | 东莞市虎门鹏翔票务部
- 东莞 | 东莞市虎门龙腾票务部
- 东莞 | 东莞市莞城鹰鸿票务代理服务部