大洋国旅公司简介 大洋国旅是沪上最具创新力的新型旅游服务商。主营会奖旅游;个性酒店、人气饭店及景区电子门票的预定及销售;旅游及活动团购;行业互联网。公司拥有一支专业的跨国跨学科旅游产品研发、操作及销售团队,线上线下相结合,为更多的旅游爱好者提供更真实、更科学、更简单、更多收获的旅游体验新模式。 大洋国旅对客户本着以专注换取品质、以专业换取信任的职业态度,对员工本着信任、赞赏、鼓励的管理基调。我们是一支年轻而富有活力的,极富创造力、旅游热情和激情的高效团队,推崇科学管理、高效工作、开心生活,让快乐的大洋带给您更多的满意。 Ocean International Travel Service Profile Ocean International Travel Service (OITS) is the most innovative and new class of travel service provider in Shanghai, mainly engage in award travel; reservation and sales of personalized hotels, popular restaurants, and scenic electronic tickets; group procurement of tourism and activities products; industry internet. The company has a group of people with multinational and multidiscipline background in charge of tourism products’ R&D, operation and sales. We adhering the combination of both online and offline, provide more real, scientific, straightforward and harvest new model travel experience for more travel enthusiasts. For customers, OITS holds focus in exchange of quality; professionalism in exchange of trust, for employees, OITS holds the management tone of reliance, appreciation and encouragement. We are an efficient team of young and dynamic with full of creativity, travel enthusiasm and passion, we in throne scientific management, efficient work and enjoyable life, let thepleasurable ocean give you more satisfaction.
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