

  • 免费WIFI
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  • 餐厅
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  • 游泳池

基本信息 2021年开业 2021年装修 联系电话酒店电话 0871-65389777

免费停车 公共区域上网 公共区域闭路电视监控系统 行政楼层
酒店简介 昆明维居桂花大酒店位于昆明市西山区滇池路56号,是由云南合和集团股份有限公司控股,云南中维集团管理的“维居”品牌酒店。酒店毗邻金马碧鸡坊、大观楼、云南民族村等景点。紧邻云纺商业城、大悦城商圈、南亚风情第一城等商圈。处于地铁5号线站、二环高架出入口,距昆明火车站10分钟,长水国际机场30分钟,距滇池国际会展中心约20分钟,交通十分便利。“中维维居”品牌巧妙地将现代美学理念与当地元素相结合,营造静谧富有年轻氛围的时尚居所。在充满活力的开放式空间中精心设计工作区和休闲区。酒店服务涵盖客房、餐饮、会议、健身房、洗衣房、停车场等。主楼高23层,建筑面积18000平方米。客房装修注重雅致、舒适,追求创新的入住体验,维梦之床及维梦舒眠菜单让您及家人充分体验舒适、静谧的闲逸之旅。 云涛全日制餐厅和徽文化蕴育的中式餐厅,主打精品徽菜,精选川滇菜为辅,带给您现代城市餐饮特点的同时还带您领略徽州浓厚的底蕴文化,挑战舌尖上的味蕾。酒店设有7个不同功能会议室,配置先进独特的会议设施,可同时满足360人的会议需求,是您商务、旅游、会议的优选之地。在维居桂花空间,随心随行享自在!Kunming Wei Casa Guihua hotel is a WEI CASA brand hotel managed by Yunnan Hehe Group Co. , Ltd. The hotel is adjacent to Jinma & Biji Square, Daguanlou, Yunnan ethnic villages and other attractions. Close to the commercial city of Yunfang, joy city business circle, the first city of South Asian customs and other business circle. It is located at Metro Line 5, the second ring viaduct entrance, 10 minutes from Kunming Railway Station, 30 minutes from Changshui International Airport, about 20 minutes from Dianchi International Convention and Exhibition Center. Zhongwei WEI CASA brand skillfully combines modern aesthetic concepts with local elements to create a quiet and young atmosphere of the fashionable residence. The work area and the Leisure area are carefully designed in the dynamic open space. Hotel services cover guest rooms, catering, meetings, gyms, laundry rooms, parking lots, etc. . The main building is 23 storeys high and has a floor area of 18,000 square meters. The room decoration pays attention to elegance, comfort, pursue the innovation to live the experience, the dream bed and the dream comfort menu let you and your family fully experience the comfortable, quiet leisure trip. Yuntao full-time restaurants and Chinese-style restaurants, featuring fine Anhui cuisine supplemented by Sichuan and Yunnan cuisine, will bring you the characteristics of modern city dining while also taking you to experience the rich culture of Huizhou and challenge the taste buds on the tongue. The hotel has 7 different function meeting rooms, equipped with perfect meeting facilities, meeting the needs of 360 people at the same time, is Your Business, tourism, the meeting of the preferred place. In Wei Casa Osmanthus space, with the heart to enjoy free!昆明维居桂花大酒店位于昆明市西山区滇池路56号,是由云南合和集团股份有限公司控股,云南中维集团管理的“维居”品牌酒店。酒店毗邻金马碧鸡坊、大观楼、云南民族村等景点。紧邻云纺商业城、大悦城商圈、南亚风情第一城等商圈。处于地铁5号线站、二环高架出入口,距昆明火车站10分钟,长水国际机场30分钟,距滇池国际会展中心约20分钟,交通十分便利。“中维维居”品牌巧妙地将现代美学理念与当地元素相结合,营造静谧富有年轻氛围的时尚居所。在充满活力的开放式空间中精心设计工作区和休闲区。酒店服务涵盖客房、餐饮、会议、健身房、洗衣房、停车场等。主楼高23层,建筑面积18000平方米。客房装修注重雅致、舒适,追求创新的入住体验,维梦之床及维梦舒眠菜单让您及家人充分体验舒适、静谧的闲逸之旅。 云涛全日制餐厅和徽文化蕴育的中式餐厅,主打精品徽菜,精选川滇菜为辅,带给您现代城市餐饮特点的同时还带您领略徽州浓厚的底蕴文化,挑战舌尖上的味蕾。酒店设有7个不同功能会议室,配置先进独特的会议设施,可同时满足360人的会议需求,是您商务、旅游、会议的优选之地。在维居桂花空间,随心随行享自在!Kunming Wei Casa Guihua hotel is a WEI CASA brand hotel managed by Yunnan Hehe Group Co. , Ltd. The hotel is adjacent to Jinma & Biji Square, Daguanlou, Yunnan ethnic villages and other attractions. Close to the commercial city of Yunfang, joy city business circle, the first city of South Asian customs and other business circle. It is located at Metro Line 5, the second ring viaduct entrance, 10 minutes from Kunming Railway Station, 30 minutes from Changshui International Airport, about 20 minutes from Dianchi International Convention and Exhibition Center. Zhongwei WEI CASA brand skillfully combines modern aesthetic concepts with local elements to create a quiet and young atmosphere of the fashionable residence. The work area and the Leisure area are carefully designed in the dynamic open space. Hotel services cover guest rooms, catering, meetings, gyms, laundry rooms, parking lots, etc. . The main building is 23 storeys high and has a floor area of 18,000 square meters. The room decoration pays attention to elegance, comfort, pursue the innovation to live the experience, the dream bed and the dream comfort menu let you and your family fully experience the comfortable, quiet leisure trip. Yuntao full-time restaurants and Chinese-style restaurants, featuring fine Anhui cuisine supplemented by Sichuan and Yunnan cuisine, will bring you the characteristics of modern city dining while also taking you to experience the rich culture of Huizhou and challenge the taste buds on the tongue. The hotel has 7 different function meeting rooms, equipped with perfect meeting facilities, meeting the needs of 360 people at the same time, is Your Business, tourism, the meeting of the preferred place. In Wei Casa Osmanthus space, with the heart to enjoy free!

